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eGain, Ashu Roy, Chairman & CEO: View From the Top

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“With our guided knowledge tool, all agents handle all contacts with zero product training,” says the MD of Customer Service for a multi-billion dollar mobile carrier in Europe. Unbelievable, right? He continues, “Our new agents, those with less than six months on the job, have improved their NPS scores by 50 points and their first time solve rate by 10% since they started using our knowledge tool.” Incredible, you say. “And now all our store employees are also using the same guided knowledge tool, so we get consistent service across all consumer touchpoints,” he concludes with a flourish. The company in question is EE in the UK, which has transformed its customer service operation using eGain Knowledge in the cloud. At Anderson Windows, contact center calls are down 33% and service-to-sales referrals up because of a visual part-picker (powered by eGain AI) on their website. Barclays in Africa moved from #3 to #1 in service ranking by deploying KM across contact centers. This when they had an 80% workforce turnover due to contact center consolidation!

KM has always promised transformative benefits. Historically, it has been limited by weak technology and generic content management substitutes in an environment when the business need was important but not quite urgent. Three trends have converged to “launch” KM across the market chasm now:

1.  The new “digital by default” mindset: It is not acceptable anymore to deliver pages and pages of content. Millennials demand personalized, precise, bite-sized, multimedia knowledge.

2.  Product proliferation: It’s impossible to keep all of it in the head, unless you have a twenty-pound brain!

3.  AI-based technologies from companies such as eGain: They deliver easy-to-use knowledge, layering interactive process guidance and next-best-action capability on existing content.

According to a leading market analyst firm, the #1 area of inquiry for their CRM customer service analysts in the last 12 months has been “KM for service resolution!” The Age of Knowledge is finally here.

For more about eGain Knowledge, visit www.egain.com

1252 Borregas Avenue
Sunnyvale, CA 94089

PH: 1 408.636.4500
Contact: info@egain.com
Web: www.egain.com

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