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Toward a more flexible Web

Interwoven has introduced new information management and business reporting capabilities in TeamSite 6.5, which, the company says, enables enterprises to improve operational efficiency across all Web-based initiatives.

Interwoven further reports that TeamSite Advanced Information Management Services helps enterprises bolster greater work force productivity by enabling users to more quickly and easily find, retrieve and leverage managed content and information. TeamSite ReportCenter empowers enterprises to measure the efficiency of people, processes and systems to accelerate time-to-value from their WCM investment. Combined with Interwoven Content Intelligence Services, which automate content categorization and metadata, Interwoven claims its WCM solution is the first in the industry to extend such advanced information management and reporting capabilities to enterprises.

The company says TeamSite Advanced Information Management Services offers the follow features:

Full parametric search. Using keywords, users can quickly locate and sort content based on content category, standard metadata and file properties within private work areas or across entire managed Web sites. As a result, users can easily reuse, link to or route content during the content development process.

Actionable results. Content from all parts of the repository across multiple independent Web sites can be virtually grouped for editing, review, publishing and distribution.

Cross-initiative retrieval and reuse. Users can quickly locate and reuse information from any Web initiative in the enterprise such as public sites, enterprise intranets and other managed Web initiatives.

In TeamSite ReportCenter, features include:

Site-specific reporting. Businesses can monitor and tune the progress of new Web initiatives such as partner extranets, departmental intranet sites and public product launches to speed time-to-Web.

Advanced tracking reports. Web site change tracking reports enable businesses to compare publishing behavior between existing and previous versions of Web properties as well as report on the behavior of specific types of content assets such as product pages, research documents, Web storefronts, white papers or company logos.

Intuitive pre-packaged reports.. TeamSite ReportCenter provides multiple out-of-the-box reports.

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