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Automated workflow means fewer trips to the filing room

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DeCrescente Distributing Company, which services 11 counties in upstate New York, has put its human resource department’s paper-based history behind it. The company, which has been in business for almost 70 years, had not only outgrown its original filing cabinet but also was close to exceeding the capacity of a large filing room.

When Antoinette Hulsopple, a human resource generalist, was brought on, she knew it was time to help the company achieve its vision of a paperless HR department. Albany-based eBizDocs, a value-added reseller of Cabinet Document Management Solutions, was hired to help.

With implementation of Cabinet SAFE CLOUD, a cloud-based document management and business process automation system, DeCrescente was able to easily store new hire paperwork, payroll information and benefits documentation. Hulsopple worked with the eBizDocs team to set up an intuitive file structure. The ability to manage documents in SAFE CLOUD has not only cut down on hours “locked in the file room” but has significantly streamlined the approval process, according to Hulsopple.

Now, there is no chance of a document getting lost or buried. Approvals are handled by an automated workflow, allowing users to trace who has signed off and who has yet to give their okay—without the document ever leaving the employee’s personnel file. SAFE CLOUD also enables users to provide approvals while out of the office.

Hulsopple and her team recognize that after nearly seven decades in business, it may take some time to scan in all the documentation of years past. She says, “It may take a while to catch up, but now we’re easily able to keep up with paperwork as it comes in, which makes a huge difference. It’s drastically changed how we spend our time on a daily basis.”

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