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Customization tool resolves customer issues faster

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Scancom Distribution, a B2B supplier of mobile handsets, airtime and data-related telecom products, has reduced its time to resolve customer service issues by 90 percent through Cloud Extend from Active Endpoints. Cloud Extend is a customization tool that adds process automation to Salesforce, on which Scancom’s customer relationship management (CRM) environment is based.

For desktops and iPhone and Android smart phones, Cloud Extend gives business users the ability to design and deploy wizards to standardize support procedures, streamline repetitive actions and implement best practices for issue resolution for the customer support team.

Scancom’s previous customer relationship management (CRM) system was data-centric. Despite training and written procedures, trying to remember what to enter, where and in what circumstances led to inconsistency and poor data quality, according to an Active Endpoints’ press release. The company searched for a new solution and chose Cloud Extend.

Chen Kotecha, managing director of Scancom, says, “Cloud Extend is a must-have application for anyone who uses Salesforce. Basically, it has not only become the steering wheel, but more importantly it enforces the right data at the right time with the right quality. Ultimately, Cloud Extend has allowed us to deliver on our most important goal, which is providing the very best customer service.”

(Image courtesy of ShutterStock.com)

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