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KMWorld & Intranets 2004 is set

The program for the KMWorld & Intranets 2004 conference and exposition is now available at kmworld.com/kmw04/program.cfm. The conference, which is dedicated to knowledge management, intranets and portals, will take place Oct. 26 to 28 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, Calif. Pre-conference workshops are set for Oct. 25.

Once again, KMWorld and Intranets will be co-locating, the complementary programs creating a powerful conference dedicated to exploring the potential of knowledge management and the related technologies of intranets and portals. Combined, the conferences feature more than 120 speakers, six tracks, 100 in-depth sessions and 15 pre-conference workshops, as well as leading KM, intranets and portal solutions providers.

Keynote speakers

Scheduled keynotes speakers and topics include: "Decision-Making & Innovation: The Real Function of KM," (Dave Snowden, Cynefin Center for Complexity); "The User Experience and the Role of CM & Information Architecture," (Peter Morville, Semantic Studios); "Ubiquitous Usability," (Eric Schaffer, Human Factors International); "Driving Performance with Knowledge Management," (Carla O'Dell, American Productivity & Quality Center); and "Social Knowledge Management: The Future of Business," (French Caldwell, Gartner).


The KMWorld & Intranets Expo features top companies in the KM and intranets marketplace and offers visitors an opportunity to explore all the latest in product and service solutions in both fields. For a current exhibitor list, visit kmworld.com/kmw04/exhibitors.cfm.

The KMWorld Awards

KMWorld magazine is proud to sponsor the fourth annual KMWorld Awards, to be presented at KMWorld & Intranets 2004. The two awards, the KM Reality and the KM Promise, are designed to celebrate the success stories of knowledge management. The KM Reality Award recognizes an organization that is a leader in the implementation of KM practices and processes with measurable business benefits. The KM Promise Award recognizes an organization that delivers on its promise of providing its customers with innovative technology solutions for implementing and integrating KM practices into their business processes. For more information on the KMWorld Awards, visit kmworld.com/kmw04/kmawards.cfm.

Workshops, receptions and more

This year's conference offers 15 pre-conference workshops on Monday, Oct. 25. Attendees will learn from top experts in the industry through in-depth half- or full-day sessions, which will cover a variety of topics from "High Performance KM for Advanced Practitioners" to "Solving KM and Intranet Issues" and "Blogging for Knowledge Exchange." In addition, numerous networking opportunities will be available throughout the conference, including a grand opening reception in the exhibit hall on Tuesday and special informal evening sessions and discussion groups on Monday and Wednesday nights.

To view the complete program or to register for the event, go to kmworld.com/kmw04. Early registration discounts are available until Oct. 1, 2004.

For more information on KMWorld & Intranets 2004, including how to register, please contact Information Today, Inc. at 800-300-9868 (outside the U.S. call 609-654-6266), e-mail custserv@infotoday.com, or visit infotoday.com.

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