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Ephesoft launches solution to bridge the gap in hybrid cloud workloads

Ephesoft, a provider of enterprise content capture and data discovery solutions, has announced the launch of its Ephesoft Cloud HyperExtender, a hybrid solution that a transitions resource-intensive processes into the cloud for peak performance, scalability, and minimized upfront investment.

According to the company, the hybrid offering enables organizations to optimize their existing Ephesoft Transact on-premise solution with improved performance, processing up to 2,500 pages per minute—more than 10 times faster than a strictly on-premise version.

“Ephesoft’s Cloud HyperExtender is bridging the gap for our customers who want to continue using their existing systems while reaping the benefits of ultra-fast processing in the cloud,” said Ike Kavas, founder and CEO of Ephesoft. “This first-to-market offering provides the best of both worlds. As the world’s first hybrid capture microservice, this product maximizes efficiency and profitability for our customers and epitomizes our vision to lead the market to the cloud.”

The Cloud HyperExtender is an add-on application that leverages high-performance cloud image processing in conjunction with Ephesoft’s latest release of Transact 2019.1, which uses a specialized type of AI called supervised machine learning to optimize operational efficiency in document-intensive processes. After documents are captured in the on-premise system, the processing intensive Optical Character Recognition (OCR) task is directed into the cloud for fast processing, and then directed back into the on-premise system for classification, extraction, validation and export.

According to Ephesoft,Cloud HyperExtender is well-suited for companies and organizations with demand peaks in their business operations, which stress the infrastructure for document intelligence caused by either unpredictable or predictable seasonal volumes. Examples of these situations include retailers’ invoices and credit card applications during Cyber Monday and other shopping holidays; tax firms’ form processing during tax season; mortgage lender applications or loans during prime real estate seasons; and insurance company claims after a natural disaster.

For more information, visit https://ephesoft.com/transact/cloud-hyperextender.

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