KM past and present: making the most of your resources
More tacit knowledge than we realize
The computer systems that support human goals have their origins in human thought and creativity. Although some concern has arisen about the increasing role of AI and other non-human sources of knowledge (Will technology start controlling us, instead of the other way around?), AI is on a trajectory that is likely to continue into the future. Already embedded into healthcare, financial and military systems, among many others, AI technology will play a pivotal role in supporting businesses and enabling advances in many scientific fields.
Yet even as technology moves ahead, the full potential of human thought and knowledge remains untapped, according to author, researcher and KMWorld columnist Art Murray “Many mysteries remain about how humans do what they do,” he says. Murray cites cases of native Alaskan tribes in the Arctic who can navigate across land that has no ?distinguishable features and locate traps set decades ago, as well as sail to and from destinations without using a compass.
The human organism has internal communication mechanisms that are still not well understood and abilities that have not yet been fulfilled. If these and other aspects of human physiology were explained, humans could attain higher levels of creativity and achievement. “Technology is at the surface level,” says Murray. “Human consciousness operates at a deep level that has yet to be fully revealed.”