Medallia Launches Self-Service Tools for Customer Feedback Programs
Medallia has announced an addition to Medallia Experience Cloud called Admin Suite that helps companies gain control over their customer feedback programs. With Admin Suite, companies can now – without assistance from Medallia or systems integrators – author customer surveys from scratch, modify existing surveys that are already live, and create new reports from survey data.
Admin Suite enables companies to create their own surveys and reports, as well as integrate the responses from those surveys with all other customer information, report the data company-wide rather than in silos, and ensure that their customer data is protected by enterprise-grade security, said Borge Hald, CEO and co-founder, Medallia.
Administrative users of Medallia Experience Cloud can make changes to their customer experience surveys and reports safely and in real time, no matter how large their customer experience programs. With the “Sandbox” feature, administrative users can run safety and quality checks in a sandbox development environment before deploying live changes. In addition, with the Survey Builder and Report Builder features, users can publish surveys and reports in a “preview” mode to review and test them before pushing live.
For more information about Admin Suite features, go to