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ID.me Strengthens Digital Identities for Government and Healthcare

ID.me, the next generation identity platform, is receiving approval by the Kantara Initiative's Board of Directors as a full Credential Service Provider conformant to NIST's recently issued Special Publication (SP) 800-63-3 guidelines at Identity Assurance Level 2 (IAL2) and Authenticator Assurance Level 2 (AAL2).

In addition to the NIST 800-63-3 IAL2 / AAL2 ID.me-branded credentialing service available today, ID.me will extend its IAL2 / AAL2 infrastructure to government agencies and healthcare organizations as a white label service, starting in 2019.

The new NIST digital identity guidelines are vital for security, citizen access and interoperability across government and healthcare.

Federal agencies are expected to meet the requirements of, and be in compliance with, the new NIST guidelines for all new and existing citizen-facing applications that require a high degree of trust. In healthcare, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) requires NIST 800-63 compliant credentials for healthcare providers to electronically prescribe controlled substances.

ID.me is the first Credential Service Provider to be recognized under Kantara's new NIST 800-63 rev.3 Class of Approval, reinforcing ID.me's leading place in the identity ecosphere.

Kantara is a global consortium improving trustworthy use of identity and personal data through innovation, standardization, and good practice.

The opioid crisis and a growing demand for patient-directed data exchange have created a perfect storm for trusted digital identity in healthcare, said Blake Hall, ID.me CEO. Securing the identities of prescribing physicians and the patients they treat is a critical step in fighting the opioid crisis, controlling costs, and creating efficiencies in healthcare, Hall explained.

ID.me is simplifying how individuals securely prove and share their identity online. The company is building a digital identity network where users verify their identity once and never have to re-verify their identity again across any organization where ID.me is accepted -- mimicking the role of their driver's license in the physical world.

For more information about this news, visit www.id.me.

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