Finding the Knowledge “Sweet Spot” for Self-Service
Mobile Support
Usage scenarios include mobile inquiries for quick, basic information that can be read and absorbed on smaller devices. These interactions can include short text queries or browsing topics on common issues. This channel provides simple filtering and the ability to respond to one- to two-word queries, requiring a smaller content set focused on top questions and topics.
Sweet spot: Short, clear, focused content and titles that can be quickly found and read on mobile devices.
Usage scenarios include a user who has time to compose and wait for an answer to a specific question or request. These situations could require more than one interaction to complete a set of asynchronous questions and answers, where the user provides a sentence or paragraph of context (not just a query). This allows for the ability to process the email text as the search context and incorporate the most important query terms or topics to return best results to a respondent. Knowledge items provided can include templated email responses that are complete and concise, with all the relevant steps or details to answer the request.
Sweet spot: Focused, reusable templates that provide sufficient detail for amenable topics.
Community Support
Usage scenarios include online participants sharing posts, questions, and ideas to help each other, with targeted company assistance. Users typically post questions to get direct answers or clarifying interactions to arrive at the best answer. Community posts are the focusing mechanisms where users can confirm each other’s needs and terminology. This channel can provide additional value when online experts answer known questions with targeted knowledge to drive “best answers” across the community space.
Sweet spot: Targeted content answering common questions that can evolve in relation to the threads and posts in the community.
Channel-focused KM drives self-service value. Self-service takes place when customers feel empowered to define and receive the answers to their questions, on any channel, quickly and intuitively. The degree to which each channel clearly and consistently delivers knowledge appropriate to those expectations determines the effectiveness of that channel.
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