
NEW EVENT: KM & AI Summit 2025, March 17 - 19 in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona. Register Now! 

Save the date for KMWORLD 2020

KMWorld 2020 will present a unique opportunity to hear from experts in knowledge management and to connect with peers who have successfully launched knowledge management projects at their own companies and government organizations. 

Put the dates on your calendar now—November 16-19, 2020—for this one-of-kind opportunity to not only learn about established best practices and emerging trends but also to speak directly with KM practitioners at all levels of the industry, who are eager to share the lessons they have learned  and the approaches they have taken to keep their knowledge management programs alive and thriving.

This annual event is different from all other tech conferences because it is solely focused on all facets of knowledge management and because of the open sharing of user experiences, including what worked, what didn't, and how user adoption and trust was won.

Year in and year out, KM project teams and leaders come to KMWorld to divide and conquer, making sure that they cover all the sessions to make their timeat the conference count. If you have never been to this conference, or it has been a while since you last attended, now is the time to plan to carve out space in your schedule for KMWorld 2020. 

KMWorld is a part of a unique program of five co-located conferences, which also includes Enterprise Search & Discovery, Office 365 Symposium, Taxonomy Boot Camp, and Text Analytics Forum.

Videos of KMWorld 2019 awards presentations, keynotes, and many sessions can be found here.

Many speakers at KMWorld 2019 have also made their presentations available at www.kmworld.com/Conference/2019/Presentations.aspx.


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