Asset Control launches Ops360 solution
Asset Control, a provider of data management cloud-based services for financial data analytics, is releasing its new Ops360 workflow solution, allowing users to better process financial data.
Ops360 is a web user interface based on a new business domain model and RESTful API that offers users control for sourcing, mastering, governing, investigating, and exploring their financial instrument data.
Ops360 focuses on enabling business and operations users to more easily browse, process, and validate financial data.
It is part of a product rollout that incorporates a range of new open source technologies into the Asset Control platform.
“We are really pleased to launch this significant expansion in capabilities,” Mark Hepsworth, CEO, Asset Control, said. “Our roadmap focuses on business user enablement and leveraging more of the exciting open source technologies now available and this release ticks both boxes. Business users increasingly want to self-service their data management requirements and experience an easier process to set up the data they need. Ops360 along with our new data driven Business Domain Model facilitates this.”
For more information about this release, visit