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KM experts discuss trends for 2020

From the growth of cloud computing, augmented intelligence, and mobile workers to the rise of new collaboration tools and intelligent search technologies, the world of global knowledge management continues to evolve and provide new challenges and opportunities.

KMWorld recently held a webinar with John Chmaj, senior practice director, knowledge management, Verint Global Consulting Services; Tim Passios, VP of marketing, MindTouch; and Eric Storm, vice president of North America, Starmind. They discussed the top 2020 trends in KM and how they will impact the organization.

Knowledge management is an organized network of explicit and implicit knowledge, Designed to benefit an individual and the entire organization, said Storm.

But it falls short and leads to incomplete or wrong decision making and consequently doesn`t solve for the expertise and intelligence gap.

Knowledge management for the future is about unlocking a huge competitive advantage and massive productivity gains.

Storm suggested the Starmind platform, which augments employee intelligence with AI, yielding benefits in competitiveness, productivity, and retention.

Global knowledge management is multi-channel, multi-brand, and multi-language, according to Passios. The benefits include improved CX, increased agent efficiency, improved search experience, and better performance-driven analytics across brands, languages, and channels.

In 2020, Passios sees a movement toward customer-first thinking that will be benefited by a scalable support infrastructure that reduces cost.

Context and search is key to understanding anything and everything when it comes to KM, according to Chmaj.

Context can derive from many elements and actions including customer profiles, business processes, personas, customer insight, skills and entitlements, and knowledge. With a context-driven agent desktop, users can aggregate information and act on evolving interactions.

Chmaj suggested leveraging speech as context to trigger knowledge. Speech and text analytics can drive knowledge directly to agents during customer conversations and identify when and how knowledge impact the customer experience.

An archived on-demand replay of this webinar is available here.

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