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Explore the evolution of document management with Nuxeo

Organizations have been investing in document management solutions for decades. In fact, many organizations have invested in a variety of document and content management systems.

This collection of disparate technologies may address individual departments or business processes, but they rarely address the enterprise need for managing documents.

KMWorld recently held a webinar with Sean Baird, director of product marketing, Nuxeo who explored how the emergence of content services offers a new approach to document management.

Yesterday’s centralized, physical storage no longer works for today’s distributed workforces and digital workflows, Baird said. Digital transformation is a journey, not a destination.

Modern content requirements consist of:

  • Support digital form factors
  • Bridge information silos
  • Deliver insight and intelligence
  • Embrace new content types
  • Ensure governance and security
  • Accelerate cloud adoption
  • Operate at extreme scale
  • Make it easy to support new apps

The rise of modern, cloud-native Content Services Platforms offers a new approach, he said. Cloud can unlock new accessibility and scale to transform the business.

Cloud should be about choice and there is no “one size fits all” approach, he explained. Cloud architecture should include individually scalable services, elastic scaling for peak volumes, multi-tier archiving support, serverless scalability for compute-intensive activities, edge caching and CDNs for global delivery, and open architecture to support customer preferences.

Artificial Intelligence utilizes machine-learning models for data enrichment, Baird explained. AI must quickly and easily identify new insights and promote automation. AI that understands the business is crafted specifically for that business, is not built for only ML experts and is auditable and understandable by the business.

Low code enables fast time-to-value and continuous innovation, he noted. A modern, platform-as-a-service solution for content enhances the customer experience, accelerates time to market for new products and services, fits the new technological landscape, and improves the relationship between  IT and business.

An archived on-demand replay of this webinar is available here.

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