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Arrive Technology rebrands as Arrive AI, further enhances automated delivery

Arrive Technology announced a rebranding to reflect the company’s future position as the nation’s premiere choice in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the autonomous last mile (ALM) industry. 

Now Arrive AI, the company leads the industry for the development of smart mailboxes designed for drone and robotic delivery to the ALM—the logistical end point for package deliveries to consumers. 

“Our edge is that AI needs data, and we could be the largest AI platform in the world as we grow into our total addressable market,” said Arrive AI CEO Dan O’Toole. “You can’t spell Arrive without AI, and we are poised to provide unparalleled data for the development of advanced AI services and insights to enhance automated delivery.”  

In collaboration with partners, Arrive AI is establishing a comprehensive network of ALM access points for drones, robotic and human delivery.

O’Toole originally envisioned the company as a provider of a secure mailbox for drone delivery. Ten years of iteration have grown that idea into a much more sophisticated device, capable of accepting and sending out packages but also generating untold millions of data points as consumers begin using the devices, according to the company.

At scale, the Arrive AI network will be powered by AI, which it will use to generate data for developing advanced AI services and insights.

That data could include marketing information based on what consumers are ordering; the speed at which those packages arrive; environmental impacts of autonomous delivery vs. traditional means; and savings/efficiency data for healthcare and other industries.

For more information about this news, visit www.arriveai.com.

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