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Scamnetic safeguards businesses and users from AI misinformation 

Scamnetic, a company dedicated to protecting individuals and businesses from digital threats using advanced AI, is debuting its AI-based scam-detection solution—helping consumers detect every type of scam including deepfake video and audio across any channel in real time, removing human error from the process.

“Scamnetic is at the forefront of using artificial intelligence to empower consumers and businesses to detect and prevent scams effectively. Our mission is to safeguard digital interactions worldwide, ensuring peace of mind in an era of increasing digital fraud. Globally, businesses and consumers are so far behind the bad actors regarding protection, threat detection and the ability to combat these crimes quickly. With the release of our product, we are now on a level playing field with scammers; as they develop new tactics, so will we,” said Scamnetic co-founder John Evans.

Scamnetic’s patented AI technology can easily be integrated into enterprise platforms, allowing service providers to be stewards of consumer safety, according to the company.

Scamnetic provides one of the only holistic scam-detection solutions on the market, aiming to combat every current scam.

Scamnetic includes:

  • Scan&Score automatically scans email and text messages, along with QR codes, links, physical mail, and images to understand the risk from any incoming communication.
  • IDeveryone verifies the identity of any counterparty using advanced but easy-to-use technology, enabling users to know exactly with who they interact with whether by video, audio, or text. It combats dating scams, Facebook marketing scams, crypto scams, land investment scams, and more.
  • Scam intervention: Scamnetic experts work tirelessly to restore assets and peace of mind for scam victims. Scamnetic offers 24/7 support, helping consumers who may be in the throes of a scam, guiding victims to recovery and helping them reclaim control over their digital life.

“Consumers worldwide are experiencing record losses, with an alarming year-over-year increase. Scammers are leveraging artificial intelligence to carry out sophisticated criminal activities that evade human detection. The industry has responded with educational efforts, warning customers to ‘watch out for this’ or ‘we will never ask you for that,’ and cautioning against clicking suspicious links. Unfortunately, these measures are insufficient. While bad actors employ advanced AI tactics, the good actors rely on basic education. It's a David versus Goliath battle, and the time to fight back has arrived,” said Scamnetic CEO Al Pascual.

Scamnetic’s patent pending technology was designed to avoid the limitations of competing solutions and deliver the best possible experience for users, according to the company.

Scamnetic’s business model is B2B2C, and it will launch a direct-to-consumer subscription service in the coming months.

Scamnetic can co-brand or provide API integration in any enterprise platform or product, making its customers’ goals to protect their consumers and/or employees easily achievable, the company said.

For more information about this news, visit https://scamnetic.com.

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