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Foursquare’s new Sales Impact feature drives holistic measurement and management of marketing campaign performance

Foursquare, the industry-leading platform for all things geospatial, is debuting Sales Impact, a new capability for Foursquare Attribution, the solution for measuring marketing campaign success. Sales Impact introduces the ability to report on visitation and purchase data through a unified methodology and user interface, empowering marketers to uplevel the value received from measuring customer journeys.

With the growing sophistication of the modern enterprise, demands for precise, actual measurement of campaign impact—not just pure estimates—are increasing. According to Foursquare, a desire for close alignment between a marketer’s remit and core business objectives, as well as the continuing evolution of customer behavior, is putting a greater pressure on advertisers to deliver value.

To address this challenge, Sales Impact offers multidimensional, holistic measurement of marketing performance from impression to visit to purchase, creating an agile approach to campaign management. With 17 new metrics—such as average basket size and sales lift—enterprises will be able to better evaluate performance and areas of opportunity, driving decision making and positive results, according to Foursquare.

Sales Impact delivers an array of real-time reporting throughout the campaign to help marketers optimize flight. Any updates that occur mid-flight can be immediately actioned upon, eliminating the need to wait for the next campaign to make effective changes. Furthermore, Sales Impact can be easily integrated into existing campaigns, offering ease of use through common processes, feasibility checks, and a familiar reporting experience, according to Foursquare.

To learn more about Sales Impact and Foursquare Attribution, please visit https://location.foursquare.com/.

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