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Haystack collaborates with Google Cloud to deliver an AI-powered, intuitive search experience

Haystack, a leading modern intranet provider, is announcing that Google Cloud’s Vertex AI search will be integrated into Haystack workspaces, making the process of finding knowledge, people, and resources easier and more intuitive for Haystack users.

Central to this collaboration is a natural, easy, AI-powered search experience which transforms the ways users interact with their intranets and organizational knowledge, replacing traditional, oversaturated keyword-based search. Through conversational language, users can ask questions they may ask of a highly knowledgeable colleague while Haystack delivers a concise, informative answer, citing its sources.

“Some of the most exciting aspects of this new functionality are the time savings and efficiency it brings to the search experience—but also the satisfaction. If you’ve ever felt the frustration of searching for a key resource only to find outdated or duplicative results, you’ll be shocked by the contrast of this experience,” said Cameron Lindsay, co-founder and CEO of Haystack. “It’s easy, natural, intuitive, and simply satisfying to find exactly what you’re looking for without having to dig.”

Haystack’s new search experience is compatible with Microsoft and Google ecosystems, furthering its platform-agnostic strategy and empowering users to maximize the value of the tools they love, according to the company. These integrations join Haystack’s pre-existing selection, with popular enterprise search tools such as Moveworks and Glean.

Another core focus for Haystack’s search experience is flexibility, where enterprises are afforded the ability to create a search experience that is most natural to them.

“We built Haystack to be supremely customizable. From the look and feel of your company branding, to your Haystack dashboard, to the core navigation and components of the platform—it’s your choice. Like these components of the Haystack ecosystem, activating AI Search is entirely optional,” explained Lindsay.

Regarding privacy and security, Haystack affirms that customer data will not be shared with Google Cloud for training purposes; additionally, users can opt out of the Vertex AI platform integration entirely, if preferred.

Haystack is set to continue to transform its experiences to match the needs of its customers, delivering adaptable, effective, and user-friendly intranet solutions.

“While this is already a transformative experience, we’re just beginning to unlock a whole new world of opportunities for improving the way you interact with organizational knowledge,” said Lindsay. “As we continue to integrate more components of this new experience, we’re fostering a virtuous cycle—one where your intranet gets smarter every day, and in turn helps accelerate your ability to access and act on organizational knowledge.”

To learn more about Haystack’s latest search experience, please visit http://haystackteam.com/.

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