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Plex, by Rockwell Automation, helps connect and reskill workers in the manufacturing space

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Rockwell Automation, Inc., a company dedicated to industrial automation and digital transformation, is launching its connected worker solution from Plex, by Rockwell Automation.

According to the company, these industry-leading capabilities were developed to help users enhance productivity, quality, and safety on the shop floor.

The new connected worker solution provides advanced digital tools to retain, attract, and reskill workers. It empowers them with real-time guidance, visual aids, and multimedia content, enhancing comprehension and reducing errors on the job.

By streamlining the number of applications manufacturers need, the solution also reduces total cost of ownership, time to value, and cybersecurity risk, according to the company.  

The new capabilities are directly embedded within Plex’s Manufacturing Execution System (MES), providing a single source for optimizing manufacturing productivity without the need for multiple subscriptions.

The solution also benefits from the broader Rockwell Automation portfolio through its hardware and software offerings, as well as its partnerships. 

The connected worker offerings provide the following benefits:

  • Recruiting and retaining a connected workforce: The new capabilities provide digital tools and real-time information to enhance worker productivity and engagement.
  • Addressing the talent gap: Through these offerings, Plex helps manufacturers empower their workers with advanced training and tools to stay competitive in the evolving workforce landscape.
  • Knowledge retention and transfer: As a large amount of the current workforce in manufacturing retires, safeguarding industry expertise is critical to ensure smooth knowledge transition to the next generation. The capabilities create and capture the corpus of manufacturing knowledge in an organic way.

"Driving productivity, safety, quality, and sustainability has been the forefront of our strategy since our inception. With the introduction of our connected worker capabilities, Plex has taken another strategic step forward in addressing the critical manufacturing skills gap,” said Anthony Murphy, VP product management, Plex. “The launch of these new offerings accelerates Rockwell Automation’s world-class industry partnerships and Plex’s mission to attract, retain, and reskill the manufacturing workforce, ensuring that manufacturers are best suited to meet the challenges of today's dynamic industry and factory environments."

 The latest capabilities feature Guided and Interactive Work Instructions, providing step-by-step task guidance for people, machines, and devices.

Interactive Work Instructions—developed in partnership with Canvas GFX and currently available—enables users to author and work with model-based 3D and 2D multimedia formats within a single document to drive better understanding of the work at hand.

Advanced capabilities will include chat features in partnership with Microsoft Teams, activity management of people and machines, key measurable capabilities, and smart tool integrations offering manufacturers the unique edge to customize their connected worker solution.

For more information about this news, visit www.plex.com.  

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