
NEW EVENT: KM & AI Summit 2025, March 17 - 19 in beautiful Scottsdale, Arizona. Register Now! 

KM & AI Summit 2025 keynote to showcase knowledge management and AI as the backbone for customer service success

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Recent statistics from Gartner predict that, “100% of generative AI virtual customer assistant and virtual agent assistant projects that lack integration to modern KM systems will fail to meet their CX and operational cost-reduction goals.” However, done right, GenAI can transform customer operations and beyond, unleashing unparalleled business value.

Ashu Roy, chairman and CEO of eGain, will share how leading clients are accelerating knowledge creation and curation, along with improving search success rates while driving down costs, during his KM & AI Summit keynote, “AI Knowledge for Customer Service Success.

Unlock the future of innovation and knowledge management at the KM & AI Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona, March 17-19, 2025.

The first of its kind event, brought to you by the organizers of KMWorld, brings together thought leaders, technologists, KM practitioners, and industry experts to explore cutting-edge strategies for managing organizational knowledge and leveraging the power of AI to drive transformation.

Without a trusted content management system, the companies that have accelerated their AI usage will, as the adage goes, produce “garbage in, garbage out,” which means bad and inaccurate data, Roy said.

“The KM community is relevant and foundational to the success of GenAI apps within the enterprise,” he explained.

In the early to mid-80s, the concept of AI was popular, but the technology didn’t deliver, he said.

“Now that AI has come back in style, it is imperative that the KM community takes full advantage of this and the promise of knowledge in the first place,” Roy noted.

He is looking forward to talking to attendees regarding the challenge of corralling knowledge efficiently and effectively with AI technology, as well as learning what people are doing differently with the technology.

“Most well-meaning projects don’t deliver their promises because the manual effort is so high that these efforts never get to scale,” Roy said.
AI is, by far, receiving the most investment outside security and cloud by organizations’ CIOs or CTOs.

“AI is creating a huge demand for modern knowledge platforms to deliver trusted content,” Roy said. “It’s the talk of the town.”

He believes the KM &AI Summit is a great opportunity to educate the KM community on how AI can be used to create and curate trusted knowledge management at scale.

“I think it’s a once in a generation opportunity,” concluded Roy.

Roy’s keynote is Tuesday, March 18, at 9:30 am.

For more information on KM & AI Summit and to register, go to https://www.kmworld.com/KMAISummit/2025/Default.aspx

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