Trend-Setting Products of 2012: ASG Software Solutions: ASG CloudFactory
Automated Cloud Management for IT Simplicity
ASG CloudFactory gives you the Cloud building blocks and architecture blue prints to build, provision and manage real end-to-end Cloud management platforms to manage private, public, and hybrid Clouds that meet the ever-changing business demand, while maximizing existing technologies and investments. ASG CloudFactory enables enterprises of all sizes, across all industries and geographies to transform their IT service delivery model.
How does it work?
On the frontend, ASG-CloudCockpit delivers a next generation workspace that provisions, aggregates and provides end-point agnostic delivery of applications, information and IT services with ubiquitous access, flexibility and security.
At the backend, ASG-CloudShaper and ASG-CloudRobot provide fully automated infrastructure life cycle management and provisioning-workflows to ensure IT elasticity is governed and shorter time-to-value is achieved.
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ASG Software Solutions
1333 Third Avenue South
Naples FL 34102
PH: 800.932.5536 or 239.435.2200
FAX: 239.263.3692
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