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Entrieving information

User stories from the knowledge front

A new software implementation will help the U.S. Army develop and deploy taxonomies across its communities of practice to enhance information sharing and retrieval.

The Army CIO has selected Entrieva's Semio suite for taxonomy development and deployment. According to Col. Timothy Fong, CTO of the U.S. Army Network Enterprise Technology Command, the technology has been integrated into the Army's Portal, Army Knowledge Online.

Catherine Michaliga says, "We believe that the solution offers the right toolset for functional communities to develop their taxonomies and integrate them into the enterprise portal, effectively meeting the Army's evolving needs for developing effective communities of practice." Michaliga is director of Army Knowledge Management, Office of the Principle Director for Enterprise Integration, Army CIO.

"This capability will considerably improve the Army Knowledge Online search/browse capability," she adds, "and keeps the Army on the leading edge of forward-looking knowledge management initiatives."

The suite consists of SemioTagger and the Enterprise Knowledge Engineering Workbench (EKEW). With those components, the Army can design and develop customized taxonomies for more than 100 communities of practice and rapidly deploy its knowledgebase across 1.2 million users.

According to a recent news release from Entrieva, SemioTagger—with Army-specific taxonomies—will deliver "powerful capabilities for browsing, searching, navigating and discovering knowledge, including hidden relationships, patterns and trends, as well as alert notification when critical information is detected." With Semio suite, Entrieva continues, the Army will have a single, integrated platform that can seamlessly categorize and organize structured and unstructured content from a variety of data sources.

"Most information that people use on a day-to-day basis is not in a database, so our technology is a perfect fit," says Entrieva President and CEO Thomas C. Lewis. "It harnesses all of the 'other' data, which can represent over 80% of the U.S. Army's knowledgebase, organizes it and puts it to productive use."

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