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Biographical Information

Dave Snowden

+44 (0) 7795 437293

Dave Snowden is the founder and chief science officer for Cognitive Edge, e-mail

Articles by Dave Snowden

Everything is fragmented—Ingenuity and co-evolution

Everything is fragmented—The art of “ritual dissent”

Everything is fragmented—An unusual, but effective idea

Ten percent of most projects create 90 percent of the grief (change the percentages to suit your own experience), but you can handle that difficult portion using a technique known as social network stimulation.

Everything is fragmented— The core principles

In an earlier column, I wrote about the science of complex adaptive systems (see Nov./Dec. 2008 KMWorld), which is a key piece of underlying theory to help us comprehend the increasingly interdependent and co-evolving worlds of knowledge management, social computing and learning...

Everything is fragmented—Complex adaptive systems at play

Everything is fragmented—Managed serendipity

Technology developed for one application frequently becomes more useful for something unexpected. It's called a freeloader in evolutionary psychology...

Everything is fragmented— Blog storming in six stages

Everything is fragmented—Building CoPs for knowledge flow

As promised, I am presenting a step-by-step approach to a low-cost knowledge management (KM) program using social computing, and will focus on the functionality that has been touted but rarely delivered by communities of practice (CoPs).

Everything is fragmented-
The safe-fail approach to KM

Now, everything is fragmented