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Biographical Information

Hugh McKellar

Former Editor in chief - KMWorld magazine

A former technical editor and writer for the Boeing Company, Hugh McKellar had more than 25 years of experience with the technical and business press in a variety of management roles. Prior to joining KMWorld as Executive Editor in 1999, Hugh developed business plans and content strategies for a number of B2B Web sites. He was a member of the founding board of governors for The George Washington University Institute for Knowledge Management. 

Articles by Hugh McKellar

2015 KMWorld Promise and Reality award finalists:
KM Promise Award

Many companies promise that their technology is the best knowledge management solution. One of the greatest challenges for organizations purchasing these technologies is to determine which of the companies will deliver on its promise. This award is given to the organization that is delivering the promise to its customers by providing innovative technology solutions for implementing and integrating knowledge management practices into their business processes.

2015 KMWorld Promise and Reality award finalists:
KM Reality Award

In many organizations, knowledge management is just rhetoric. This award recognizes an organization in which knowledge management is a positive reality. The recipient of the KM Reality award is an organization demonstrating leadership in the implementation of knowledge management practices and processes by realizing measurable business benefits.

KMWorld Trend-Setting Products of 2015

We published our first KMWorld Trend-Setting Products list nearly a decade-and-a-half ago because we wanted to bring some clarity to the sometimes elusive knowledge management needs of our subscribers.

KMWorld 100 COMPANIES That Matter in Knowledge Management

For us here at KMWorld, knowledge management is an attitude, an approach, not an application, and that's what we're celebrating with this list—companies that offer the tools to analyze, augment, enhance, manage and extend information assets to maximize potential for organizations of all sizes.

2014 KMWorld Promise and Reality award winners:
KM Promise Award winner KMS lighthouse

2014 KMWorld Promise and Reality Award winners:
KM Reality Award winner Boston Children’s Hospital

KMWorld Trend-Setting Products of 2014

We've published our annual list of Trend-Setting Products for nearly a decade and a half (more than a century in "technology years"),...This year, we looked at more than 600 products. Some have been around for a while, a testimony to the limber execution of their initial mission of adaptability. Others are relatively new.

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

The list is intended to spark a larger discussion of knowledge management. We're always on the lookout for groundbreaking solutions or notable modifications to existing ones. And, throughout the year, the organizations and products we find most interesting will be showcased in our magazine and on our site,

2013 Promise and Reality award winners:
KM Promise Award winner Decooda

The winners of the KM Promise and the KM Reality awards were formally announced on Thursday, Nov. 7, at the 2013 KMWorld Conference in Washington, D.C.

2013 Promise and Reality award winners:
KM Reality Award winner NASA Safety Center

The winners of the KM Promise and the KM Reality awards were formally announced on Thursday, Nov. 7, at the 2013 KMWorld Conference in Washington, D.C.

2013 KMWorld Promise and Reality award finalists

The winners of the KM Promise and the KM Reality awards will be formally announced on Thursday, Nov. 7, at the 2013 KMWorld Conference at the Renaissance Downtown Hotel in Washington, D.C.

KMWORLD Trend-Setting Products of 2013

The common thread running through all the products listed here is the unique value—and potential value—they offer the organization, its workers and their various constituencies.

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

"With the juggernaut of consolidation growing ever louder since we first put this list together in 2000, you'd think identifying a hundred companies that matter in knowledge management would be increasingly easier to assemble, right? Heck, it simply follows that with fewer companies to choose from, it would be simpler to pick 100. Not at all. It's harder than ever because of the increasing cross-functionality of today's solutions. "

KMWorld 2012 Promise and Reality award winners and finalists

"Throughout each year, KMWorld is introduced to the best and brightest of the suppliers and practitioners in the trade. We conduct dozens of interviews, hundreds of briefings and review probably thousands of press releases and e-mails. Then ... we have to pick the best..."

KMWorld Trend-Setting Products of 2012

"This marks the tenth anniversary of our Trend-Setting Products list..."

Do-it-yourself analytics

As big data grows increasingly massive, the need for agile analytics will, too. Enter Cognos, which is part of IBM's Business Analytics division, and TM1 10, its performance management solution. A compelling element of IBM Cognos TM1 10 is Insight, which gives individual users, especially non-spreadsheet users, access to TM1 10.

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

The changing nature of knowledge

Longtime KMWorld columnist David Weinberger's latest book is Too Big To Know: Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren't the Facts, Experts are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Room. His previous works include, The Cluetrain Manifesto, Small Pieces Loosely Joined and Everything is Miscellaneous. He is a senior researcher at Harvard's Berkman Center for Internet & Society and co-director of the Harvard Library Innovation Lab...

Greek philosophers and BPM?

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

Spider power

Ubiquitous SharePoint

Power to the People

KMWorld Trend-Setting Products of 2010

Just as in the past, assembling the Trend-Setting Products list is a collaborative effort with colleagues, market and technology analysts, KM theoreticians and practitioners, customers and a select few savvy users in a variety of disciplines...

Content analytics comes front & center

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

When we established our list of 100 Companies That Matter 10 years ago, "knowledge management" was just beginning to be a recognized term in the boardroom. KM is not now (nor will it ever likely be) a household word. Nor is it an application. It's an attitude, a commitment to excellence and innovation shared by the companies, large and small, on this list. A decade ago, a lot of vendors were so intoxicated by their technology that they tried to woo their customers with dazzling features, capabilities they thrust upon clients without fully understanding their legitimate needs. Now, in 2010, that's no longer true. The firms on this list are true solution providers that are dedicated to understanding what their customers need and delivering elegant technology for the requirements of the knowledge economy...

Best-practice breakthrough

KMWorld 2009 Conference– Looking back ... and looking ahead

2009 KM Promise Award winner | Inmagic

2009 KM Reality Award winner | Procter & Gamble

2009 Promise and Reality award finalists

Celebrating potential and success—
KM Promise and Reality

KMWorld Trend-Setting Products of 2009

We've selected more than we have in previous editions because the landscape is far more challenging than it has been in the past. They represent what we believe are the solutions that best exemplify the spirit of innovation demanded by the current economy, while providing their customers with the unique tools and capabilities to move and grow beyond the recession...

Dollars and data

Endeca releases new McKinley search platform
Search goes to the mountaintop

SamePage gets social
eTouch introduces Version 4.1

Tackling extreme data volume

KM for sales effectiveness StreetSmarts introduces V. 5.0

Silver, not dark, linings

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

Publishing this list is the most difficult project KMWorld undertakes every year, and I've been heading the effort since it began in 2000. Our somewhat informal judging process taps the individual and collective wisdom of colleagues, analysts, system integrators and even a selected group of users...

The agility imperative

IT forecast: The clouds are gathering

Heard in the aisles

2008 KMWorld Promise and Reality award winners

The KM Promise Award goes to a vendor who has risen above the noise enough to make our editors take special notice. The KM Reality award goes to an organization that has applied KM practices and technologies in a unique and special way...

The truth about SharePoint

KMWorld Trend-Setting Products of 2008

What makes a trend-setting product?
When we first started identifying products six years ago, we were still seeing some radical new technology and tried to select solutions that would be embraced by the marketplace and gain wide adoption.
A few of the companies that developed the products have gone belly up; more have been acquired by other vendors. However, all things considered, we've been quite accurate selecting products that deliver customer value, which is the underlying principle that defines this year's list.

Is enterprise search still surging?

An all-too-familiar tale

Web 2.0 here for good

The hurdles facing social computing

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management 2008

So why do these companies matter? Not necessarily because they are the most innovative, but that's a factor. Not because they are ahead of the curve on Enterprise 2.0 initiatives, but that's also a factor.Not because they are the most financially successful (that's not a factor), and not because they have the most efficient marketing engines—that's not a factor either.We have long held that the true essence of knowledge management is an attitude, a single-minded commitment to improvement.

A sea change for search

2007 KMWorld Promise and Reality Award Winners

Each year, the technology and solutions nominated for these awards become increasingly sophisticated, on one hand, and increasingly intuitive on the other. Nearly gone are the days of complex and cumbersome deployments—those very factors that even a decade ago gave knowledge management a bit of a black eye. And although our panel of judges, who include colleagues, analysts, integrators and sometimes competitors, had a tough job narrowing down the award finalists, we all agreed that this year's winners exemplify what can only be described as a new era of knowledge management, KM 2.0.

The new FRCP: a progress report

The new Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) have been in effect for about 10 months, so it seems a good time to take a look at how organizations are tackling yet another big information management mandate. We talked with leading e-discovery expert and Forrester principal analyst Barry Murphy about the scope of the new rules.

KM takes over center stage

KMWorld Trend-Setting Products of 2007

Assembling this list is never easy, but for the editorial colleagues, analysts, integrators and select group of users who chose which products belong on it, this year has been especially difficult.

Whose fault is it, anyway?

The adoption rate blues

“What’s in an AIIM?”

KM: still a long road ahead

Making a case for context

What's in a name?

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

About a year ago, Dr. Michael Koenig wrote in these pages that unlike many business “fads,” knowledge management didn’t fall into the typical 10-year pattern of boom and bust, with four or five years of explosive growth, followed by a slightly longer period of almost equally dramatic decline. His conclusion: KM is here to stay.

Search: Pure and simple

2006 KM Promise and Reality award winners

We've been paying tribute to companies with our KM Promise and Reality awards at the KMWorld Conference since 2001, and in those years, we've seen a steady increase in both the volume and, especially, the quality of the nominations.

Still a good ride for IT

Wise up about e-mail management

2006 KMWorld Promise and Reality Awards finalists

In the five years we have offered the KM Promise and Reality Awards, we have received more than 1,000 submissions. Some of them described exquisite triumphs of technology and implementation; some of them sheer folly...

Business and practice: KM and the law

As one of the most knowledge-intensive "industries" around, the legal profession is perfectly suited for knowledge management.

Smooth sailing on the next BI wave

Trend-Setting Products of 2006

KM-critical capture

What's up with portals?

A Government gold mine?

Open source DM

Innovation "science?"

The future of the future

KMWorld 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

One hundred. Not 101. Not 99. Does our list mean that there are only 100 companies that matter in KM? Of course not.

Storage and ECM

The good, the bad and the annoying

High times for document management

KMWorld Award winners

In 2001, we launched the KMWorld Awards as a way to bring greater visibility to the broad arena of knowledge management, and in the ensuing five years we've seen ever-increasing accomplishments both in technology and implementations

This one's for you

A brand new

Search still surging

2005 KM Promise and Reality Awards finalists

Celebrating nine years of KM

The knowledge (worker) economy

Invisible KM

Good news, mostly

Capture: past, present and future

Once and future KM

M & A's pick up steam

KMWorld's 100 Companies That Matter in Knowledge Management

Corporate conscience

ECM—still plenty of room

2004 Promise and Reality winners

A new computing model?

e-Commerce gets a boost from FAST

New release of SERsynergy

Toward a more flexible Web

Serving collaboration

Attensity tailors new suite

Clustering for consumers

Mark Logic unveils new architecture

Arborext expands DITA support

Hummingbird integration for Notes

2004 KMWorld Promise and Reality Finalists

It was a very good year

Spammers Beware!

How does your KM program measure up?

Trend-Setting Products of 2004

Keener eye for the spy guys

Inside In-Q-Tel: exclusive interview

EMC has high hopes for ILM

A sordid side of IT

The quantum computer

WebFountain starts coming of age

KMWorld's 100 Companies that Matter in Knowledge Management 2004

What’s behind the merger mania?

Will these be the good old days?

Not just another tedious tome

Fueling the digital renaissance

Let's hear it for “humanities computing”

Fueling the digital renaissance

Time for good news

TIA office under fire

Trend-Setting Products of 2003

e-Finance with finesse: SER and Atos team for Solectron solution

Are we good enough yet?

And the winner is . . . Sweden?

Artificial intelligence: past and future

Irritable vowel syndrome

KM bookshelf

Confessions of a barefoot cobbler

KM reality and promise

Information awareness

In praise of Eire-learning

Web services: What’s up?

Yet another case for KM

Read this book

A partnership worth pursuing

What’s up with AIIM these days?

100 companies that matter in KM

On conferences, KM and complete idiots

The 2001 KMWorld Awards

Making KM work

KM one, KM all

It’s the attention economy, stupid!

A glimpse at the enterprise application landscape

KMWorld Contest Winners

Last week, we asked our NewsLinks subscribers to respond to the following question:

Compaq's enterprise portal strategy

Banta’s network implementation

Staying ahead of the curve for 80 years

KPMG releases KM report

Companies still have a long way to go to realize its full advantage