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Biographical Information

Kim Ann Zimmerman


Kim Ann Zimmermann is a freelance writer specializing in technology and other business topics.

Articles by Kim Ann Zimmerman

Striving for e-commerce synergy

IT executives, charged with increasing online sales while keeping head counts low, are seeking solutions that will integrate with their overall knowledge management systems.

Uncovering buried treasure

Blogging the competition—Weblogs take center stage in CI

Blogging—the free-form sharing of information on the Web in a diary-like format—has gained popularity as a way for individuals to post information about their personal triumphs and struggles. But that same technique is now being used for salespeople, marketers and others in an organization to quickly and easily share competitive intelligence (CI).

Help desks count on KM for up-to-date information and timely delivery

Help desks and call centers are the hub of any organization—the link to customers. One bad experience and the customer goes elsewhere. That is clearly cause for concern in the mobile telecommunications industry, for example, where there is a push toward phone number portability. Slated to go into effect in November, customers who are unhappy with the technical support they are getting from their wireless provider will be able to take their business—and their phone number—to another service provider.

Learning from success ... and failure: Pharmaceuticals make the most of knowledge management

Portals: not just a one-way street

Smooth soaring — Servicing planes fuels KM demand

Don't fall behind the eight ball: Keeping the documents straight with KM

KM practitioners move ideas forward: Transforming the old into the new through the research and development process

Coming full circle: Gathering knowledge throughout the supply chain improves decision-making

Happy together: Knowledge management and collaboration work hand-in-hand to satisfy the thirst for information.

Insurance companies take knowledge online

Can you measure return on knowledge?

Knowledge on the run: Sales reps, suppliers and customers need mobile access to KM

Integration is key to making the most of KM

Legal eagles take KM to the Net

KM on the go—Sales force automation tools drive business

In search of experts: Pharmaceuticals enters next phase of KM

Getting data in the hands of knowledge workers

Call centers rely on rapid response

Telcos ring up customer service with KM

Document management targets the enterprise and beyond

Linking partners in the supply chain— KM helps manage the process

KM helps ease home mortgage marathon

Managing Web ContentManaging Web content

Protecting the future through good relationships: Portals help insurers and their customers

KM goes to school

Gazing into the crystal ball:Search technology gets smarter and more personal

The democratization of business intelligence

A portrait of success:Collaborative tools ease communication, build knowledge

HR managers harvest bounty from Web-enabled tools

dot com, KM’s inroads on e-commerce

Portals offer personalized windows to corporate knowledge

Manufacturing makes most of knowledge sharing

Fortifying corporate capital:IP management moves beyond patents

KM shepherds drug development

KM helps publishers meet deadlines, satisfy readers

Designing and managing the database

Netting knowledge via the corporate intranet

Telcos call on KM to boost customer service

Pharmaceutical firms discover the collaborative power of Web portals

Using KM to safeguard your intellectual property

KM streamlines the manufacturing process

Healthcare providers keep watchful eye on KM advances

Timely service, wireless access expedite success in the insurance industry

A closer look at KM’s role in collaboration

Agencies queue up for KM

KM & Web help power global collaboration

Rich KM and Web resources bolster human resources