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Biographical Information

Carla O'Dell

President, APQC

Carla O'Dell is president of APQC, an authority in benchmarking, best practices, process and performance improvement, and knowledge management, email

Articles by Carla O'Dell

Cognitive Computing - Part 3
Challenges and lessons in cognitive computing

The next generation of cognitive applications will put computers even more firmly in the drivers' seat and require increasing confidence in their capabilities.

Although cognitive computing has tremendous potential to augment and enable knowledge work, its implementation should not distract KM programs from their core missions to retain critical knowledge and ensure its flow.

Cognitive Computing - Part 2
Applying cognitive computing to KM

This second installment takes a deeper look at the relationship between cognitive computing and knowledge management, focusing on the six use cases where cognitive systems show the most promise.

Cognitive computing - Part 1
Cognitive computing and the evolution of knowledge work

Cognitive computing, machine learning and predictive analytics will permeate every aspect of our lives and radically transform how we learn and interact in our digital lives.

Using KM to Leverage and Develop Experts

Anyone reading the headlines is aware of the current expertise shortages in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). While many companies are pouring money into recruitment initiatives to buy their way out of the problem, APQC has opted to look at the issue through a different lens. Namely, how can firms better leverage the experts they have while, at the same time, accelerating the rate of learning for new hires and mid-career professionals?,

In researching this topic, our goal was to understand the expertise gaps faced by scientific, technical and engineering organizations and the urgency associated with closing those gaps. . . .

A Knowledge Strategy Senior Leaders Can Get Behind

"Fifteen years ago, when knowledge management was still a new idea, companies launched KM programs based solely on vision and promise. But in a climate that increasingly emphasizes productivity and effectiveness in all aspects of business, KM is not exempt from scrutiny. To receive support and funding, your program must be founded on a solid strategy and a business case. . . ."