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Biographical Information

Bassam Zarkout


Bassam Zarkout is the CTO of RSD, a pioneer in information governance solutions for the enterprise, and has been leading the innovation, vision, creative strategy and architecture of RSD GLASSTM, from its initial inception, through its development and now its deployment with major global corporations. Zarkout is a thought leader in the information governance space (conception, design, development and implementation) and is a frequent speaker at key industry events. He has more than 20 years of experience in information governance solutions, including records management, e-Discovery, regulatory compliance, privacy and audit trail management. Zarkout has a deep understanding of the impact of laws, regulations and standards in these areas.

Zarkout's in-depth experience includes various document-centric technologies including ECM, email archiving, report output archiving, document imaging and workflow. For two decades, Zarkout has been involved in global, large-scale enterprise information governance projects, including at the US Department of Defense, Canada's Department of National Defense, global financial services organizations (banks and insurance companies) and global automotive manufacturers, amongst others.

Articles by Bassam Zarkout

2015 Information Governance Trends

As digital information grows, so do the challenges and burden with managing this mountain of data. Records management is no longer the sufficient solution.

The Fog of Information Governance

Organizations want to leverage the value of their critical assets, preserve and possibly enhance the value of these assets for future use, and comply with the ever-expanding legal and regulatory obligations...

Charting the Way
The Information Governance Imperative

We are witnessing an ominous information governance challenge. We see explosive growth in the creation and collection of documents and other rich content. We also see organizations being inundated by demands for compliance with industry regulations and laws (locally and abroad)...

Bringing Records Management to the Enterprise

Next-Generation Records Management