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Biographical Information

John Felahi

John Felahi ( has extensive expertise in business and product strategies, cognitive computing and machine learning technologies. He works with companies on optimizing their business and product strategies leveraging innovation while keeping a focus on profitability.

Articles by John Felahi

Cognitive computing
The voice of the author

VOTA is the ability to understand the terms and relationships used by the author.

Content-Categorization in the Enterprise

"In the Roman Empire, all roads led to Rome. Although that's no longer true, it's still a good metaphor for content management systems. Content management's primary focus is to make things easy to find, most often so you can take action. The main challenge to findability is anticipating how someone might look for information; what "road" they think will lead to the "Rome" they're seeking. That's where categorization comes into play. . . ."

Why the Smart Money Checks the Analytics Engine

Three elements characterize superior preparation for e-discovery: good document housekeeping; precise extraction and distillation capabilities; and unified workflow from the left through to the right of the EDRM model. This article talks about the latter two, but it's useful to quickly touch on housekeeping. Good housekeeping means saving, and properly categorizing, only what makes sense from the practical, regulatory, and legal points of view. The cleaner the corpus of documents, the better you are able to respond as discovery progresses through early case assessment, review, production and litigation. . . .

IG Nightmare: Macro Trends, Outdated Technology or Both?

"Corporations are abuzz over information governance (IG) because it conceptually represents painful macro trends that are hitting them: Explosive growth of all types of data (a.k.a. big data, the other hot buzz concept); and intensifying focus on governance. The data challenges are volume, velocity, variety and complexity. For governance, it's the unrelenting pressure to ensure that the right policies are in place to reduce exposure to legal and/or regulatory actions and cost. . . . "