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Biographical Information

John Harney

John Harney has been reporting on IT for more than 3 decades. He is president and founder of SaaSWatch, a Software-as-a-Service consultancy, where he helps businesses become SaaS providers and create and market SaaS services.

Articles by John Harney

Microsoft’s Copilot: A force multiplier for KM

Generative AI (GenAI) applications will increasingly transform organizations' IT platforms. Companies of any size that opt to create robust apps on their own, however, are in for a protracted, complex, and expensive experience.There's a better way: Buy into what I call a GenAI ecosystem from a vendor in whose tech you are already invested. These ecosystems are comprised of the sum of services customers mostly need to build and launch robust apps.

Text analytics—Improving the use case for unstructured text

The evolving federation of search

Search products are proliferating powerfully in both capabilities and applicability. Here's a snapshot of the search state of the art...

The business case for Web 2.0

For the most part, Web 2.0 technologies have been the province of lay users experimenting with informal collaboration. But these tools are now proving useful for many business applications as well...

Report management and mining— Adding value front to back

SOA tools--virtually bridging the legacy divide, Part 3

Along with the majors, niche players are perfecting SOA tools. Here’s a sampling from some of the better-known players.

SOA tools--virtually bridging the legacy divide Part 2

Part I of this series defined service-oriented architecture (SOA), laid out its benefits and challenges for early adopters and discussed general types of tools required to map an SOA plan and create, deploy and manage an SOA. Part 2 offers descriptions of more granular subcategories of tool types and describes how some major platform players approach SOA.

SOA tools--virtually bridging the legacy divide Part I

An SOA is a complicated, usually multiyear undertaking, so the tools required can be various indeed. Here’s a sampling of the kind of activities SOA tools need to address as well as general explanations of tool types.

Federated repository management--making CM play well with others

Transparent access and manipulation of content in heterogeneous CM systems--it’s a bit of a pipe dream now, but hold on to your hats

A sampling of hosted collaboration products

Consider the source

Delivering on the promise of enterprise portals—Part 2

Delivering on the promise of enterprise portals — Part 1

RSS—Spread the word There’s this thing called the Internet out there—and it’s way too big for any one person. RSS can help you chop it down to size.

The automated document Part 2 Advanced automated documents

The automated document Part 1

CM ASPs: Cheaper, faster and now … maybe even better

Convergence in content management

Digital prospecting--social networks in sales

The new frontier of search

Managing the message

Predictive analytics: forecasting future trends from existing data