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Biographical Information

Dr. Christian Schulmeyer

CTO, Empolis Information Management GmbH

Dr. Christian Schulmeyer is chief technology officer (CTO) and responsible for driving the companywide software strategy for the company's smart solution management software. Schulmeyer, an industrial engineer, came to Empolis from Telekom Deutschland GmbH, where he served as project manager for Telekom's Internet shop and its help and support portal. He gained further experience in the areas of service and customer care management through international projects for T-Online International AG (which has since been reintegrated into Deutsche Telekom AG) and Bosch Telecom GmbH, among others.

Articles by Dr. Christian Schulmeyer

Modern Customer Service: Precise And Efficient

Customer service has become an integral part of the added value chain. It contributes to turnover, profit and ROI, and improves customer satisfaction and loyalty. Good service sets companies apart from the competition and stimulates growth in fiercely competitive markets. But the demand for fast reaction times with the correct answers in an atmosphere of extremely short innovation cycles causes service staff to be challenged even more.

Furthermore, professional customer service relies on powerful IT systems. Traditional IT systems that primarily focus on management of service processes need to be complemented by innovative, intelligent knowledge management methods and tools. . . .