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Biographical Information

Jeff Fried

Chief Technology Officer, BA Insight

jeff Fried, CTO of BA Insight is a longstanding nerd focused on applications of search, text analytics and cognitive computing. @jeffried

Articles by Jeff Fried

Footprints on the Microsoft desktop

You don't hear Microsoft talking much about cognitive computing. But in fact, Microsoft has been quietly working some significantly deep technology into shallow applications ... These advanced ?capabilities lurk in pretty prosaic applications such as my desktop.

Using a Search-First Migration Strategy to SharePoint 2013

SharePoint 2013 includes many major improvements over previous versions, and upgrading to it can provide significant business value. There are end user-oriented improvements that lead to increased productivity and adoption, architectural and platform enhancements that improve operations and governance, and significant new workload capabilities across BI, Web content management, publishing and more. Better search has consistently been a top request of SharePoint 2010 users and has been a major focus for Microsoft . . . .