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Biographical Information

Jason Hekl

Jason Hekl joined InQuira in February, 2004, with more than 10 years of enterprise software experience in both startup and large company environments. As InQuira’s vice president of corporate marketing, Jason is responsible for all corporate marketing initiatives, including demand generation, messaging and marketing communications. He is a frequent speaker and author on marketing, customer service and knowledge management topics and has published articles in DMNews, KMWorld, and Customer Inter@ction Solutions. Prior to joining InQuira, Jason held positions in product management, alliances and sales at Siebel Systems and InSystems Technologies.

Articles by Jason Hekl

Conversational Knowledge
Five Best Practices for Community Collaboration

When social networking and collaboration tools and media first emerged as a cultural phenomenon, many companies had a predictable reaction: ignore a new form of communication that, at first glance, could not be influenced, much less controlled. However, as these social media have matured, the most progressive brand stewards recognize that embracing social networks and collaboration tools can enhance customers' relationships with a brand, and be an invaluable resource for serving those customers better...

The Human Side of Knowledge Management
Unlocking People Potential in the Knowledge Economy

With its emphasis on people, process and technology, knowledge management (KM) is often considered an academic discipline, a "nice to have" complement to the core business, and an investment that may pay dividends...

Five Principles for Customer Service in the 2.0 World
The InQuira Point of View

Making Connections
Search and Content: Keys to a Better Customer Experience

InQuira recently sponsored a research project with ServiceXRG...

Search is Not Enough

There’s a trend developing in businesses today. Companies are beginning to think...

Back to the Basics for the Next Innovation in Customer Service

Putting the Customer Back in Customer Service

Companies have long relied on investments in people, processes and technology to provide more effective customer service. They have implemented knowledge management practices to capture, organize, manage and analyze the content and resources. . . .