Liron David, Enosh, and Sagi Eliyahu, KMS Lighthouse
Liron David is the policy and international relations chief officer at Enosh—The Israeli Mental Health Association. She is an Israeli lawyer and social worker and holds a master's degree in human
rights law. She is developing Enosh's global activity in advocating and implementing the CRPD [Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities] principles in the mental health field, aiming to shape better policies that support community-based services, human rights, and recovery. Liron promotes socio-legal knowledge on disability rights, human rights, and social services. Prior to her work at Enosh, she served as a judicial clerk at the Israeli Supreme Court and a legal adviser at the Israeli Ministry of Justice.
Additionally, David is involved with the World Health Organization work on good practice guidance documents on community-based mental health services promoting human rights and recovery. She is a member of the Technical Advisory Groups on Mental Health Impacts of COVID-19 the WHO European Region. She also serves as a Keystone Human Services International board member, which supports people with disabilities globally.
Sagi Eliyahu serves as the CEO of KMS Lighthouse, a next- gen knowledge-based platform with advanced technology that delivers
accurate information quickly and easily, enabling enterprise organizations to make smarter and faster decisions that drive better business results. In recent years, Eliyahu, together with the team, established KMS Lighthouse into a globally recognized leader in the enterprise software knowledge management space.
He has had extensive entrepreneur success in his career initiating new businesses and making them a global success. Before KMS Lighthouse, he served as the vice president of Aman group where he launched the company operations into international markets across the world. Prior to Aman, he was at KMPG, managing the technological financial consulting division. Eliyahu is a CPA and has an MBA degree from the College of Management Academic Studies in Israel, where he majored in the management of technological corporations.