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KMWorld Cover

July/August 2022 [Volume 31, Issue 4]


AI 50 Trailblazer: eGain Knowledge Hub™ Transforms Customer, Agent, Author, Admin, and Business Experiences All at Once

Infused with AI, eGain's knowledge-powered software automates digital-first experiences for enterprises and government agencies. Pre-connected with leading CRM & contact center systems, the eGain platform delivers quick value and easy innovation with virtual assistance, customer self-service, and modern agent desktop tools. 

AI 50 Trailblazer: Enterprise Knowledge - It is Time to Make Real Progress on Your AI Journey

Effective KM programs are a key enabler of AI. Without information structure, knowledge capture and sharing processes, and long-term governance over content, AI will fail. Good KM enables AI, and AI in turn can be an enabler of KM.

AI 50 Trailblazer: Ephesoft - Taking Document Automation from Complex to Simple

The Semantik AI Engine launched a new way to process unknown documents without any configuration and extract the data in seconds for discovery. To extract data from known documents for specific workflows, the AI engine enables 90% faster setup. And this is just the beginning. The technology sets the stage for expanding hyperautomation initiatives globally in multiple languages.

AI 50 Trailblazer: Franz - Knowledge Graphs and AI for your Data Lakehouse

The emerging Data Lakehouse approach is bringing the best of Data Warehouses and Data Lakes in one simple platform to co-locate data from across the enterprise for cost effective analytics and AI use cases.

AI 50 Trailblazer: Lucidworks - Lucidworks Leads the Next Generation of Search for Enterprises

Customers choose Lucidworks because they make search smarter and more scalable for less lift. With Fusion, some of the world's biggest brands are creating a personal experience for every customer and employee.

AI 50 Trailblazer: M-Files - Empowering Knowledge Workers with AI

M-Files helps businesses gain a leading-edge and substantial ROI by delivering better customer experiences and higher-quality work.

AI 50 Trailblazer: Mindbreeze - Capitalize on the Full Potential of Your Data

With Mindbreeze solutions, your workforce is provided with valuable insights stemmed from your data in the most efficient manner. The best part is, it is all available out-of-the-box.

AI 50 Trailblazer: NICE - Removing Friction in the Customer Experience with AI

NICE Enlighten AI uses AI and machine learning technology to help brands deliver exceptional CX by meeting customers on the channel of their choice and infusing those interactions with data and insights, based upon billions of historical customer interactions across many industries.

AI 50 Trailblazer: Northern Light - Northern Light SinglePoint™ uses AI to accelerate researchers’ time-to-insight

SinglePoint learns what a user is interested in based on what they download. SinglePoint's machine learning algorithms then build a semantic model of the user and compare it to the semantic models of each document that are added to the research collection. Based on this comparison, SinglePoint recommends content to the user.

AI 50 Trailblazer: Pryon - No-code AI that transforms enterprise knowledge into answers with extreme accuracy

Companies have invested fortunes in building up content and documentation about everything from employee HR policies and benefits to technical specifications and product guides—essential information for running IT and HR help desks and customer contact centers. Until now, that content has only lived in static form, locked within siloed content repositories and applications. Pryon is changing all of this by connecting directly to these critical content sources and transforming them into voice- and text-based interactive experiences that deliver exact answers more accurately than anything in today's enterprise search market.

AI 50 Trailblazer: Upland Software - Improve your agent-based and self-service support with AI-powered knowledge management

Upland helps global businesses accelerate digital transformation with a powerful cloud software library that provides choice, flexibility, and value. Our growing library of products delivers the plug-in processes, reporting, and job specific workflows that major cloud platforms and homegrown systems don't provide. We focus on specific business challenges and support every corner of the organization, operating at scale and delivering quick time to value for our 1,800+ enterprise customers.

Innovative knowledge-sharing tools elevate the modern workplace

Enterprise knowledge continues to expand. Knowledge-sharing tools ensure this knowledge is preserved, curated, and easily disseminated throughout organizations. Their prioritization of collaboration, engagement, and interactions makes the growing decentralization and compartmentalization of the enterprise much more manageable.

KMWorld AI 50 2022: The Companies Empowering Intelligent Knowledge Management

With companies across industries today attempting to decrease risk, increase efficiency, make better decisions, and deliver better experiences, AI is on the rise. According to a 2021 McKinsey Global Survey on AI, 56% of all respondents' organizations had adopted AI in at least one function, up from 50% in 2020.

Chasing the Omnichannel Experience

Companies need to be fully aware that customers do not want a fragmented approach, but a smooth and well-informed one, and act on that knowledge.

How KM enhances productivity and the employee experience

KM helps employees feel supported, both by the organization and a community of colleagues. This reduces stress, improves job satisfaction, and offers knowledge workers an invaluable outlet for dealing with difficult managers, tough assignments, and other challenges that might otherwise push them out the door.


David Weinberger

AI’s ways of being immoral

The most powerful ML can require the resources of wealthy organizations. Such organizations usually have at best mixed motivations, to be charitable about it.

The Future of the Future

Dispatches from the edge

Edge-of-chaos decisioning means being continually informed on the critical elements needed to make better, faster decisions.

Ethical Innovation

Finding the weakest link

Though traditional and often reluctant to change, the supply chain sector is now reassessing its lack of embrace of technology and, significantly, rethinking long-established processes.

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