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KMWorld Cover

February 2009 [Volume 18, Issue 2]


Knowledge management: naturally green

"Going green" has become a topic of increased attention lately, but it's nothing new to knowledge management. By its nature, knowledge management promotes efficiency and optimal use of resources, which often reduces the amount of energy required to achieve a given goal. What has changed is the heightened awareness of those benefits...

Google in the enterprise

BPM: from modeling to implementation

Despite the troubled economy, business process management (BPM) software products seem to be headed for robust growth...

Text analytics—Improving the use case for unstructured text

Law firms discover the value of KM

Law firms are using knowledge management tools to improve customer service, to ease the discovery process and to better manage client billing and communications when working remotely...

BPM State of the Market: Concept Searching, Inc.

News Analysis

Learning about Google via Google

Everything is fragmented—An unusual, but effective idea

Ten percent of most projects create 90 percent of the grief (change the percentages to suit your own experience), but you can handle that difficult portion using a technique known as social network stimulation.


David Weinberger

Resolutions: folders, wisdom and Tabasco

The Future of the Future

The future of the future: Rise of the knowledge librarian

Corporate librarians used to devote years acquiring and cataloging physical document collections. All those serials and monographs, outdated by the time they arrived from the printers, are simply not that competitive anymore. Knowledge is not static. It must be continually refreshed through venues such as open discussion and brainstorming. That calls for a new kind of library. ..

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