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June 2010 [Volume 19, Issue 6]


Compliance: strategies for healthcare

A significant portion of healthcare information governance entails monitoring and controlling the way in which patient information is accessed and shared. UMass Memorial Medical Center, which serves central and western Massachusetts, is applying its resources to governance efficiently by managing its data in a hybrid way, leveraging both central and federated data capture. Data is shared according to carefully defined specifications that meet both regulatory and hospital policy requirements...

KM bolsters clinical trials

As more academic medical centers develop sophisticated EHRs and data warehouses, they are seeing the potential to mine those records for possible trial participants...

Social networking helps sustain innovation

Social networking took root in the consumer market with LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Now, the same capabilities have moved into the enterprise environment. One of the most promising areas for social networking is innovation, which often depends on finding and collaborating with the right colleagues. Social networking can help individuals find others in their company who share common interests and answer the important question of "who knows what."...

SharePoint The Reality Series 3: SharePoint in practice

Last month, in the second installment of this series, we considered the roles and responsibilities needed to shoulder the sweeping changes of a SharePoint-centric enterprise. For large-scale SharePoint deployments to succeed, stakeholders must articulate their commitment and priorities...

CRM Roundup

Here's a selection from the many leading customer relationship management (CRM) software and services vendors from around the globe...

Social Software Roundup

Here's a sampling of the hottest new category of technology vendors—social media, social networking, social business tools … social networking means NEW business...

News Analysis

ECM, social software, mobile technology
and more at AIIM 2010

Room for large and niche players alike

Google enterprise apps: A Microsoft migraine?

At a recent business lunch, one executive asked the question, "What do $50-per-user Google Apps for the Enterprise mean?" One of the wits dining with me answered, "A Microsoft migraine."...


David Weinberger

A lot to hate ...
But PowerPoint brings order to unruly thoughts

People hate all sorts of software because it's hard to use, under-featured, or just plain irritating. But they hate PowerPoint for deeper reasons—for what it does to meetings, for what it does to social interaction, for what it does to how we think. Yet that blind fury can bring us to forget that PowerPoint took us a big step past where we were...

The Future of the Future

The Future of the Future:
The virtual workplace is a “must,” not a “should”

In our previous article, we discussed how KM and cloud computing were converging to form the knowledge cloud. As we were writing that piece, the Washington, D.C. area was recovering from "Snowpocalypse," the blizzard that managed to shut down the offices of many U.S. government agencies for four days, at a cost of around a half-billion dollars...

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