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KMWorld Cover

April 2015 [Volume 24, Issue 4]


Putting enterprise content where people work

Best-practice organizations use process maps, team sites and mobile apps to get content in front of the right people at the right time.

Designing a Successful KM Strategy: A Guide for the Knowledge Management Professional

Exactly how can business needs lead the development of the KM strategy? To determine this, you need to work out what the key organizational drivers or imperatives for KM actually are, gathering data through interviews or through workshops. It also means, for example, that IT does not lead your KM program; IT supports your KM program and is a stakeholder and governance team participant.

Big data: New options for implementation

"When business units are working together toward the same goal, data can be transformed into information, and continuous improvement through big data-driven analytics projects is possible."

Revitalizing the Web experience

Companies are relying on knowledge management to better handle the Web experience of external and internal customers.... "People are going to mobile now more than to our brick-and-mortar locations...

Search: Specialized strategies yield results

Each user group could have a different perspective on the data that requires it to be searched and viewed differently....

News Analysis

Bold action or management process? Finding the right balance in KM

General Electric has a software start-up. The somewhat surprising development is the subject of the Harvard Business Review essay, "Building a Software Start-Up Inside GE," by Brad Power....

Need a digital assistant?

By amassing more information than any of us can individually, and then presenting it in an analytic environment with our problem as the lens, a cognitive app can encourage the intuition and creative imagination of the human expert. Cognitive computing augments the human capacity for taking in random information and combining it in novel ways within the context of a current problem....


David Weinberger

Interrupting thought

Sometimes these days when we talk about "going meta" about a topic, we mean what we used to call "being reflective" about it. Both ways of talking imply the value of interrupting the normal course of thought and taking a step back.

The Future of the Future

All aboard the blockchain express

You can see where all of this is going. Just-in-time is giving way to just-ahead-of-time.

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