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KMWorld Cover

May/June 2020 [Volume 29, Issue 3]


The best cloud KM combines cutting-edge technology with smart oversight

Cloud-based KM requires a careful balance of innovation and restraint. The best results ensue when companies combine aggressive adoption of advanced technology with strong central oversight, traditional taxonomy, and flexible implementation to accommodate different parts of the business.

The expanding world of knowledge management

As one of the most mature of the technologies that supports knowledge management, search solutions have changed so much from the days of keyword searching that they are now often referred to as "insight engines."

Next-generation natural language technologies: The deep learning agenda

The capacity for machines to understand human language, courtesy of natural language technologies fortified by deep learning, results in limitless enterprise value across use cases and industries. Whether those involve the creation of content, querying it, or acting on it, this combination is the means of making IT infinitely more accessible—and useful—than it's ever been.

Healthcare: Managing the information flow from wearables and remote monitoring devices

With broader use of wearables, routine monitoring of even asymptomatic high-risk groups such as the elderly may become the norm, allowing earlier intervention and improved outcomes.


David Weinberger

Approximately causal

Science will not give up on hypotheses. But it already is becoming more willing to accept results based on the sorts of statistical analyses performed by machine learning. And it may be thatwhen science does rely on theories and laws, we will recognize that no matter how ironclad they are as generalizations, their application to a world of confetti will always and necessarily render them approximate and probabilistic.

The Future of the Future

Enterprise of the future update: More disruption ahead

The concept of a phyle has experienced a resurgence, driven in part by the frustration people are feeling about being forced into making binary choices regarding the groups with which they want to be identified: public versus private, capitalist versus socialist, and liberal versus conservative.

Cognitive Computing

What happens when AI meets a pandemic?

This is what we can see clearly after some months of reading, watching, and listening to the pronouncements on the novel coronavirus crisis from around the globe: Content challenges continue to dog AI.

Ethical Innovation

The right time for knowledge management

A new generation is coming in—one that sees order in the chaos, spots previously invisible patterns, and not only embraces technology but grew up with it.

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