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KMWorld NewsLinks - February 08, 2022


Franz’s Gruff 8.1 brings visual knowledge graphs to web pages and web applications

No-code graph queries and dynamic graph visualizations now possible within any web application

AvePoint expands FedRAMP authorization to include additional cloud solutions

Since its initial FedRAMP authorization last year, AvePoint has invested in the authorization of solutions that go beyond its Microsoft 365 offerings

Stardog’s Joe Pindell discusses accelerating analytics and AI with knowledge graphs

Data democratization and literacy are critical to modernizing analytics

Perspective on Knowledge

Why predict?

Predictions can be used to try to get to the bottom of something in the present. That's often the case with arguments about what the web will do to us and society.


Why it’s important to make KM clickable

With their new book, "Making KM Clickable," Zach Wahl and Joe Hilger have documented the collective knowledge and experience they have gained from helping countless customers with knowledge management projects