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KMWorld NewsLinks - May 14, 2024


Dataiku Answers empowers teams to develop custom AI chatbots

Dataiku Answers brings secure, tailored, and scalable conversational AI to the enterprise 

Gray DI uses AI to drive growth and efficiency in higher education with the release of AI Reports

AI Reports provides an easy-to-understand text summary of more than 50 metrics enabling provosts, deans, and higher-education decision-makers to pick the right academic programs

SmartBug Media provides Zendesk to HubSpot Service Hub migration solution

Solution guides organizations in maximizing the value of HubSpot by driving customer success at scale throughout the entire customer lifecycle

KM In Practice

Healthcare giants partner with Quadient to utilize its Intelligent Communication Automation platform

Quadient delivers powerful, reliable, and transformative solutions to drive substantial business value for highly regulated industries