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KMWorld NewsLinks - January 20, 2015


Universal, federated or unified search in the land of information silos

You talk to your mobile phone to search, don't you? My wife, who is no technology lover, does. Our 75-year-old neighbor thinks Siri, Apple's voice search system, is a real person. Ask a question on a voice search-equipped Android phone, and you can get specific driving directions to the closest pizza parlor or gas station. The future has arrived—or has it?


Accelerating data insights with TIBCO

Introduces "Recommendations" for Spotfire Cloud

Aptean gets greener with Verdiem acquisition

Adds energy management software to portfolio

OpenText boosts secure access with Informative Graphics acquisition

Document viewing, markup and collaboration

KM In Practice

EllisDon ramps up the accounts payable process

Deploys intelligent capture solution