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KMWorld NewsLinks - December 17, 2019


The 2019 KMWorld Readers’ Choice Awards Winners

With a diverse array of products, services and technologies to consider and the stakes getting higher for information-driven success, it can be challenging to make the right choices. There are many ways to learn more about what is available, such as accessing white papers, research reports, and webinars, as well as consulting with experts and peers. We hope the KMWorld Readers' Choice Awards list provides an additional resource to help make the job of identifying solutions to investigate easier.

News offers permissions for revenue team sharing and collaboration

Customizable role-based settings can control the Chorus experience for end users

Upgrading to SharePoint 2019 and moving to a modern UI

Insights on the latest SharePoint and Office 365 upgrades

Aaron Kalb at Alation explains how to make metadata matter

Making informed decisions requires taking good data and interpreting it well

KM In Practice

Alliance Bank improves CX with Ephesoft’s intelligent capture solution

Financial services organizations typically have high-volume, high-value documents, which can be manually intensive if processes are not automated