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KMWorld NewsLinks - June 02, 2020


How to Brand and Market Your KM Products (Video)

TechnipFMC's Tamara Viles presents 6 best practices for branding and marketing your KM products in this clip from her presentation at KMWorld 2019.


ABBYY releases FineReader Server 14.2

Makes high-volume document processes more seamless and accurate

Virtusa increases speed, reduces costs of critical digital transformation initiatives

New Digital Transformation Studio was designed to mitigate many of the typical issues plaguing traditional digital transformation efforts

Lucidworks announces advanced linguistics package

Improves search precision for global companies serving Asian, European, and Middle Eastern markets 

KMWorld Readers' Choice Awards—nominate your products NOW!

Last call—nominations for the KMWorld Readers' Choice Awards can be made through June 10

KM In Practice

Nebraska Health Information Initiative enables statewide COVID-19 data collection and reporting

Nebraska's COVID-19 dashboard uses technology from NextGate, InterSystems, and KPI Ninja

Cognitive Computing

What happens when AI meets a pandemic?

This is what we can see clearly after some months of reading, watching, and listening to the pronouncements on the novel coronavirus crisis from around the globe: Content challenges continue to dog AI.