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AI and Cognitive Computing

Talking To and With Your Computers

Have you ever talked with your computer? And by “talked,” I mean had a conversation with your machine, where it’s not just you doing the talking. We’ve all been known to use strong language on occasion when we do talk to our computers…

Interacting With Conversational Engines

Chatbots have been the hottest trend in the field of customer service for a number of years now. Yet studies indicate that when it comes to conventional chatbots and the way artificial intelligence is being applied, there is still plenty of room for improvement. While conventional rule-based applications use decision trees to retrieve potentially appropriate answers from databases…

Cognitive Search: New Capabilities, Considerations and Opportunities

Like artificial intelligence (AI), cognitive search encompasses a variety of approaches to making search smarter and more powerful. The fundamental goal of cognitive search technology is to model and leverage deep associations between the terms and concepts in a content collection. These associations model the ways our brains combine concepts and relationships to identify meanings…

Why Knowledge-Centric Organizations Thrive With Intelligent Enterprise Search

As good engineers and knowledge managers we fail when our users need to search for information and knowledge. We just need to communicate the structure and organization we built for the knowledge of our organization and everyone will know where to find the knowledge they need…