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Best Practices in Intelligent Search and Content Analytics

Solving the Puzzle of Gaining Insights From Search

Search isn’t just a six-letter word that might appear in a crossword puzzle; it’s intrinsic to the human experience. We are, by nature, curious, and that curiosity leads to our searching for answers to whatever it was that piqued our curiosity. Technology has fueled our insatiable curiosity in so many ways…  

Critical Best Practices for Information Insight

Suppose your organization is looking to start using enterprise search or similar services. In that case, it’s essential to know what constitutes best practices in this field. If your company has a hyperautomation initiative, then, you’re looking to automate almost every process in your organization to the highest possible degree…

The Four Stages of Intelligent Search

Traditional search puts a burden on the searcher to ask the “right” question to get a helpful answer. For decades, the typical user experience has been to type, hit enter, and wade through an unwieldy list of possible matches. The search engine’s job is done. If the answer isn’t there, the user clicks the back button, refines their search term, and starts again…

Beyond Keywords: Finding the Information You Really Need

The “digital-first, remote first” model that has been driving digitization, has had a direct effect on data growth. According to IDC, the 64.2 ZB of data that was created or replicated in 2020, experienced unusually high growth due to the dramatic increase in the number of people working, learning, and entertaining themselves from home…