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Special Report: A Human-Centric Knowledge Management Strategy for the Digital Workforce

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Knowledge Management Evolves

Knowledge management (KM) is a relatively recent discipline. Although knowledge has been around for as long as people have been around, the notion of managing it in a controlled and disciplined way began to appear only in the late 1980s, early 1990s. For example, the KMWorld magazine started in 1991 and the conference of the same name started in the mid-1990s. The phrase “knowledge management” gained popularity, becoming fully established, with more articles, publications, conferences, and university courses devoted to it, in just a few years, certainly by 2000. It went from “bleeding edge” to being in the mainstream for enterprises worldwide. The KM we know today has evolved somewhat from the original incarnation, largely due to advances in technology, but it retains its original tenet that systematically making knowledge accessible and shareable is highly beneficial to organizations...

A Human-Centric Knowledge Management Strategy for the Digital Workforce

Today, we have an abundance of knowledge assets in digital form. Customer transactions records, sales estimates, and production quotes all digitized can be quickly extracted from systems. However, don’t expect an explosion in corporate wisdom as a result of all this digitization. Readily available information may lack context or relevance to appropriate business expectations. Plus, information gets outdated very quickly, data is scattered across different tools, and with the recent shift to the hybrid working model, knowledge is more siloed than ever before.

That’s because we’re not just talking about the digital assets and systems themselves—we’re talking about the people who work with and share this knowledge...