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Special Report: Leverage Automation and AI to Deliver Better Business Value

Partners in Progress: Automation and AI

Imagine a work world with no monotonous tasks to perform, no mindless assignments to complete, no tedious reports to write, no repetitive operations to suffer through, and no imagination-destroying projects to work on. Think of all the mundane work that can be automated and transferred to computers. This automation eliminates wasting the time and energy of a human being. Not that this is a totally new idea—it’s been around for a very long time—but advances in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly generative AI (GenAI), greatly accelerate the process...

Why Organizations Should Leverage Automation and Artificial Intelligence to Remove Mundane Tasks and Deliver Business Value

Knowledge work, which involves tasks driven by information, creativity, and expertise, is essential to the success of modern organizations. However, a significant portion of a knowledge worker’s time is often spent on repetitive and mundane tasks that don’t leverage their primary skills.

Tasks such as coordinating project schedules, ensuring legal and regulatory compliance, and organizing contracts and schematics keep projects running smoothly. However, just because this work needs to be done, it doesn’t mean a highly skilled (and highly paid) knowledge worker should do it. These tasks can and should be automated to let knowledge workers focus on their core responsibilities...