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A look behind Quality Content Experiences

How globally distributed teams can collaborate to create Quality Content Experiences

Are you authoring content for multiple platforms and formats and worried about content consistency across all outputs? Your organization has multiple reviewers, collaborators working from remote locations – and you want all of them to collaborate online? Have strict content project timelines and want to keep track of review assignments? Content experiences have strict quality checks, and only approved content should be published/delivered to end-users?

Any content-driven organization would want to address such hurdles to attain a smooth content lifecycle. Large organizations have globally distributed teams who want to work together using tools that allow online collaboration to control the content quality and be productive.

XML Documentation for Adobe Experience Manager is a platform that answers these requirements with its rich set of capabilities. One of them is the Collaborative Online Review. A project owner can initiate a review, assign to one or more reviewers, define deadlines, and monitor progress. Multiple reviewers can collaborate online with real-time comments, while authors can incorporate the review comments simultaneously.

An inbuilt workflow that indicates overall content development progress and enables publishers to publish only approved content. While online collaboration covers the modern ask, experienced writers may also want to work in powerful desktop editors like Adobe FrameMaker. Integrated enterprise solutions allow seamless review incorporation via web-editor or offline desktop editors. Join Divraj Singh, Senior Solution Consultant at Adobe, as he talks about the importance of review in the content life cycle. He will show how Adobe’s DITA CCMS enables the teams to work productively and ensure the delivered content quality.

Key Discoveries

  • See a streamlined online review platform in action
  • How to make your content rich with extensive review capabilities
  • How to manage review tasks and keep track of progress
  • Ensuring that any content that gets published is reviewed and approved