Mindbreeze InSpire Integrates with Large Language Models to Elevate Natural Language Question Answering
Companies are itching to implement Large Language Models (LLMs) that work well for secure and effective business use. Mindbreeze has made this possible for enterprises across the world!
Mindbreeze InSpire captures, stores, and manages data within a company, allowing companies to benefit from incorporating pre-trained models trained on vast amounts of data.

Integrating language models into existing solutions, such as an Insight Engine like Mindbreeze InSpire, offers several advantages. Firstly, it reduces data governance risks and provides users with more pertinent information tailored to their roles and responsibilities.
A core value of language models integrated into Mindbreeze InSpire is the ability to ask questions using natural language, similar to a publicly trained model like ChatGPT. However, the answers generated would come from enterprise data, making them way more relevant and personalized toward a worker’s task.
Additionally, the Mindbreeze solution provides every user with validation and access to the source information. Now, users can quickly identify the file, document, or other content piece from which the model generated the answer – users can open the corresponding file if they need further information and extract the meaning behind crucial details.
And finally, enterprises can customize access rights based on their terms and ensure compliance with data permissions – permitting them to maintain control and adhere to regulatory requirements while leveraging Generative AI’s power within Mindbreeze InSpire.
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